35 Quotes by Michael R. Fletcher
- Author Michael R. Fletcher
In a mad world, only the mad are sane. - AKIRA KUROSAWA
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
Fate didn't stand in the way. Rather, they themselves were their own worst enemies.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
The borders of man, defined by politics, war, and faith - all three manifestations of delusion - meant even more to gods.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
For all Wichtig spoke of trust, he trusted no one. For all he spoke of wisdom, he learned nothing. Every word he uttered was done so with an eye toward manipulation.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
Trust your fears. When a quiet voice whispers, "you are being used", listen. Ignore your baser desires.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
The tales are only as dark as the teller.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
There's something satisfying to proclaiming humility while knowing just how important you truly are.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
Think about it. When you die you'll be surrounded bu the people you killed. Who the hells goes around killing people they like? In the Afterdeath we'll be surrounded by our enemies.
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- Author Michael R. Fletcher
The mirror ever lies.
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