308 Quotes by Michael Scott

"My mom always used to say that average people are the most special people in the world. And that’s why God made so many."


"There have always been people like you, Nicholas Flamel. People who think they know what’s best, who decide what people should see and read and listen to, who ultimately try to shape how the rest of the world think and acts. I’ve spent my entire life fighting the likes of you."


"What is it like being single? I like it! I like starting each day with a sense of possibility. And I’m optimistic, because everyday I get a little more desperate. And desperate situations yield the quickest results."


"Middle school’s amazing. It is extraordinary. An extraordinary time."


"And in their rush to create wonders, they have ignored the wonders all around them, ignored the mysteries, the beauty. Myths and legends walk unseen amongst them, ignored, unrecognized. It was not always so."


"You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded."


"Nothing – Elder, Next Generation, immortal or human – was completely indestructible. Not even Areop-Enap. Perenelle herself had once brought an ancient temple down on the spider’s head and it had shrugged off the attack – yet could it survive billions of poisonous flies?"


"What the guys have learned is that whether you’re preaching to one or 10,000, it really doesn’t matter. That one person you touch may change the nation – could be the Billy Graham of Ethiopia."


"The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present’?"


"Research is always the best part. As we dug deeper into the history and mythology behind each of the hallows, we discovered more and more stories – some of them deserving of novels in themselves."
