308 Quotes by Michael Scott

"When you’ve lived as long as I have, nothing much surprises you."


"Sisters are a trial,” he said. “And it doesn’t matter if they’re Elder or humani. Sometimes I think they exist solely to upset and annoy their brothers."


"Josh started to laugh at his sister and then immediately reconsidered. “I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if it did."


"He is many things – dangerous and devious, cunning and deadly, a good friend and an implacable enemy – but he comes from an age when a man’s word was indeed precious."


"Jullie dragen de genen van de oorspronkelijke tweeling die tien millennia geleden op Danu Talis heeft gevochten. Sophie, jij en je broer zijn de afstammelingen van goden. – Nicolas Flamel."


"I am a great believer that all the primary research has to be done before principle writing begins. I’m a huge advocate of plotting."


"If you were extremely unlucky, the forest spiders would get to you first and lay their eggs in you.” “Why is that considered extremely unlucky?” “You’d still be alive when the eggs hatched.” “That is probably the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard,” Shakespeare muttered. He pulled out a scrap of paper and a pencil. “I’ve got to make a note of that."


"But what you must remember is that knowledge itself is never dangerous,” Tsagaglalal insisted. “It is how that knowledge is used that is dangerous."
