20 Quotes by Michael Talbot

  • Author Michael Talbot
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    Throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s various researchers contacted Pribram and told him they had uncovered evidence that the visual system worked as a kind of frequency analyzer. Since frequency is a measure of the number of oscillations a wave undergoes per second, this strongly suggested that the brain might be functioning as a hologram does.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    It is a sad truth, but it is a truth, indeed, that the knowledge of the human species far surpasses their wisdom.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    Oh, they’re always saying that. But they are only the Masters of Outer Darkness,” he corrected.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    The pattern that began to take shape in the last chapter continues, and its message becomes increasingly clear – the deeper and more emotionally charged our beliefs, the greater the changes we can make in both our bodies and reality itself.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    She looked up to see a lovely enclosure of trees, wild cherry, fir, and willow with long golden catkins and slender, pointed green fronds swaying gracefully in the breeze. And in the center of the green cathedral of trees and surrounded by wildly untended hedges and what had once been a beautiful lawn, was one of the most picturesque cottages she had ever seen.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    For example, Bohm believes an electron is not one thing but a totality or ensemble enfolded throughout the whole of space. When an instrument detects the presence of a single electron it is simply because one aspect of the electron’s ensemble has unfolded, similar to the way an ink drop unfolds out of the glycerine, at that particular location. When an electron appears to be moving it is due to a continuous series of such unfoldments and enfoldments.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    This was precisely the feature that got Pribram so excited, for it offered at last a way of understanding how memories could be distributed rather than localized in the brain. If it was possible for every portion of a piece of holographic film to contain all the information necessary to create a whole image, then it seemed equally possible for every part of the brain to contain all of the information necessary to recall a whole memory.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    Alas, but you do not recognize one thing, Monsieur le Docteur, one thing that you will find very difficult to comprehend. The twelfth century was quite different from today, different in a most special way. You see, the entire world believed in magic, and this affected things. It altered the world we perceived, everyone perceived, mortal and vampire alike. You will not be able to accept this, but it altered the very laws of physics. Magic was a little more real.

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  • Author Michael Talbot
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    Peat believes that synchronicities are therefore “flaws” in the fabric of reality, momentary fissures that allow us a brief glimpse of the immense and unitary order underlying all of nature.

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