20 Quotes by Michele Amitrani
- Author Michele Amitrani
Sono le persone a cambiare le persone.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
Wei è un enigma racchiuso in un rompicapo nascosto nel labirinto più intricato del mondo.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
I am a collector of hopes and peregrine truths, a shepherd of thoughts, ideas, projects and dreams too important not to be realized. I'm an abstract concept that has no body, no smell, no boundaries, no shape and no color. I am the omnilogos.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
L'impossibile è soltanto una possibilità che non è stata ancora scoperta da nessuno.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
Da polvere di stelle a polvere di stelle.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
Saemangeum City è un dono che pochi capiscono.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
Impossible is only a possibility that has not yet been discovered.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
I am a collector of hopes and peregrine truths, a shepherd of thoughts, ideas, projects and dreams too important not to be realized. I’m an abstract concept that has no body, no smell, no boundaries, no shape and no color. I am the omnilogos.
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- Author Michele Amitrani
Wei is like an enigma wrapped in a puzzle hidden in the most intricate maze of the world.
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