111 Quotes by Michelle Malkin

  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    Team Obama is exploiting the power of high government office to intimidate lawful, peaceful contributors who support limited-government causes.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    Nothing symbolizes American strength and vigor more than another unaccountable Washington bureaucrat.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    A city suffering from chronic poverty, out-of-control crime, a $76 million budget deficit and a 15 percent unemployment rate (nearly 50 percent for Oakland's youth) can hardly afford such social justice follies. But a pushover Democratic mayor and an overwhelmed police force have left what's left of gainfully employed Oakland taxpayers at the mercy of professional freeloaders and anti-capitalism saboteurs.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    History has shown us that 'Get Things Done' is mindless liberal code for passing ineffective legislation and expanding government for government's sake.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    The truly bold thing for Obama to do would be to tell the panic-mongers and boondoggle-seekers to shove it, and to tell taxpayers to ride out the rest of the tough times while he gets Washington's own economic house in order.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    Instead of basic roads and bridges, infrastructure spending will go to bloated unions overseeing pie-in-the-sky construction projects like the $30 billion-plus high-speed rail line from Los Angeles to San Francisco, which California officials fully expect to be funded.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    Within two weeks of moving into the White House, Obama signed a series of executive orders championed by union bosses. The new rules authorized sweeping powers for the labor secretary that essentially blackball nonunion contractors targeted by labor organizers and blacklist nonunion employees in the private sector from working on taxpayer-funded projects.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    At a time when Democratic leaders are pushing rationed care in a world of limited resources, Americans might wonder where the call for shared sacrifice is from illegal immigrant patients like those in Los Angeles getting free liver and kidney transplants at UCLA Medical Center. 'I'm just mad,' illegal alien Jose Lopez told the Los Angeles Times last year after receiving two taxpayer-subsidized liver transplants while impatiently awaiting approval for state health insurance.

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  • Author Michelle Malkin
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    The most dangerous lechers and creeps are not drunks wearing rags on the street, but respectable men wearing hairspray, pinstripes, and wedding rings who lurk in the halls of power.

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