358 Quotes by Mike Pence

  • Author Mike Pence
  • Quote

    I mean, the reality is unemployment today – over 14 million Americans are unemployed. That’s exactly what it was a year ago. I mean, this – the American people know we can’t borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    I think I’ve always believed in Ronald Reagan’s adage, “Peace through Strength.” Let’s grow stronger on a transatlantic basis in our economies.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    More than anything else, let me be clear – we need to be willing to fight for freedom, and free markets, and traditional moral values. That’s what the American people want to see this movement and this party return to.

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  • Author Mike Pence
  • Quote

    Whether it’s called ‘compassionate conservatism’ or ‘big government Republicanism,’ after years of record increases in federal spending, more government is now the accepted Republican philosophy in Washington.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    Well the truth is, Republicans didn’t just lose a few elections, we lost our way.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    In the last four years under the Patriot Act, we have seen a great increase in the ability of law enforcement officials to investigate and track terrorists.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    You know, Hoosiers recognize pork when we see it. And they recognize what bailing out every failing business in America means – We’re burying generations under a mountain range of debt.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    Conservative Republicans are back. We’re in the fight for fiscal discipline and limited government, and we are on the side of the American people.

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  • Author Mike Pence
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    I thought it was important to speak about what I believe would be the right response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. I’m pleased to hear there is more sanctions maybe coming tomorrow. But the truth of the matter is I think we need less talk and more deeds.

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