14 Quotes by Milorad Pavić

  • Author Milorad Pavić
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    Sneg je uvek beo, ali je svake godine drugačiji. Tako je i sa ljubavlju. Nije važno koliko je stara, nego da li se menja ili ne. Ako kažeš: moja ljubav je već tri godine ista, znaj da ti je ljubav umrla. Ljubav živi samo dok se menja. Kad prestane da se menja, to je kraj.

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  • Author Milorad Pavić
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    Tvoja misao je sveća kojom možeš da upališ tuđu sveću, no za to moraš imati vatre.

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  • Author Milorad Pavić
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    In the direction that your fear is growing, you’re on the right path.

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  • Author Milorad Pavić
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    Unfortunate and wretched are those who have respected a book they did not love and hated those they did.

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  • Author Milorad Pavić
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    When we read, it is not ours to absorb all that is written. Our thoughts are jealous and they constantly blank out the thoughts of others, for there is not room enough in us for two scents at one time.

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