111 Quotes by Misba

"Angry about being angry, aren’t you?” Taha smirks, still leaping."


"The Apocalypse is gone.War has left.So let’s be cheery.We need not worry. The end never comes twice …"


"Not that the war heroes will touch them. Neither to shake hands, nor trace lightly, and never-ever intimately. Touching the unevolved people for pleasure isn’t principled."


"To think she has forfeited her ethics for the Devil’s Book! The only book in the world she sees in her dreams, daydreams, and nightmares. The only book that may have the real secrets of voice instead of boring jargon page after page, tickling your curiosity and giving you the things you already know."


"Yuan hears the animals hundreds of meters away—the ones with hooves running while the pawed ones hunt them. He also hears the birds chirping, the leaves rustling, the waterfall roaring, and the wind speaking. Yes, speaking. Not every High-Grade voices the wind or hears it speak. But he does."


"That was seven years ago—a day after she lost all her memories. Also, the day that started it all. The day that kicked off her desire to speak that kept growing, and it will keep growing until she craves to become a goddess one day. Either to save the world as a hero or to destroy it, crafting a villain’s ballad."


"Evolution has its charms. People think harsh training has been its door, but in reality, it was easier to find. The door stood right before their eyes. Always."


"The cold water beats the toned muscles beneath his tanned skin. He senses his energy, the prana, vibrating, looking for a release, either as a subconscious beast or as a conscious creator. Prana heals. Prana kills.Prana helps you evolve. The twinge of guilt comes. It’s hard not to be glad that the Apocalypse happened. Or they never could’ve found the highest possibilities for humans."


"Humans have evolved after the Apocalypse and the war, just like her machine-bugs evolve fighting toads in Meera’s wild garden. Some people progress more than the others; they’re the High-Grades. Seven years in excessively comfortable Gaumont Manor cannot help you grow. If you’re a bug, you need toads—dozens of toads so you may evolve."


"When a prayer doesn’t work, you rephrase it."
