82 Quotes by Mo Yan

  • Author Mo Yan
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    run, run, you can’t get away, the monk can run but the temple will never get away!

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    -Pero, cómo pudo Lu Wenli irse con el profesor Liu? -pregunté-. ¡Es inconcebible!-Acaso era concebible meterle la pelota en la boca de un requetazo? -replicó He Zhiwu.Indudablemente, eso formaba parte de las cosas inconcebibles, lo que demuestra que los asuntos de este mundo sufren infinitos cambios y evoluciones, que la suerte reúne a las parejas predestinadas a través de las más extrañas e imprevisibles coincidencias. No hay nada imposible.

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    A volte penso che ci sia un rapporto tra il decadimento dell'umanità e la prosperità e il benessere in cui viviamo. La prosperità e il benessere sono obiettivi anche necessari che il genere umano persegue nella sua lotta per il progresso, ma generano profonde e temibili contraddizioni. Il genere umano sta infatti distruggendo con le proprie mani alcune delle qualità che possiede.

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    The cliche that sea dry up and rocks rot away, but the heart never changes is nothing but a beautiful fantasy.

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    Am I drunk?" he asked Crewcut."You're not drunk, Boss," Crewcut replied. "How could a superior individual like you be drunk? People around here who get drunk are the dregs of society, illiterates, uncouth people. Highbrow folks, those of the 'spring snow,' cannot get drunk. You're a highbrow, therefore you cannot be drunk.

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    Are women really wonderful things? Maybe they are. Yes, women are wonderful things, but when all is said and done, they aren't really “things

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    I'd discovered that the range of beauty in breasts is wide; while one should never lightly say that a pair is ugly, one can easily say that a pair of breasts is beautiful. Hedgehogs are beautiful sometimes; so are baby pigs.

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  • Author Mo Yan
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    C'è sempre un prezzo da pagare quando si amano gli altri, ma amare se stessi non costa niente. Posso amarmi come mi pare e piace. Sono padrone di me stesso e prendo le mie decisioni.

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