317 Quotes by Molly Ivins

  • Author Molly Ivins
  • Quote

    In most legislatures, punctilious attention to correct usage is considered elitist. The word 'government,' for example, is normally pronounced 'gummint'; bureaucracy is 'bureaucacy'; fiscal comes out 'physical,' and one moves not to suspend the rules, but to 'suppend.'

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  • Author Molly Ivins
  • Quote

    Am I the only person covering politics who ever noticed that Newt Gingrich is actually a nincompoop?

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    Naturally, when it comes to voting, we in Texas are accustomed to discerning that fine hair's-breadth worth of difference that makes one hopeless dipstick slightly less awful than the other. But it does raise the question: Why bother?

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  • Author Molly Ivins
  • Quote

    From orphanages to space colonies, it was all shallow but endearingly enthusiastic futurism. Gingrich was the kind of person who read a book or two on something and would then be quite afire as to how this was going to fit into some shining future.

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    The trouble with capitalism as a system is that only those who have or can get capital can make it work for them, and that leaves out damn near all of us.

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    I'm sorry to say cancer can kill you, but it doesn't make you a better person.

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    Even for southerners, Arkansans are amazingly friendly and extend hospitality to all strangers with astonishing openness. You couldn't find a pretension in that state if you hunted from Jonesboro to El Dorado.

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    One of the more urp-making habits of media mavens is presuming to speak for the American people, as in 'The American people won't stand for this!'

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  • Author Molly Ivins
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    I've said it before: War brings out the patriotic bullies. In World War I, they went around kicking dachshunds on the grounds that dachshunds were 'German dogs.' They did not, however, go around kicking German shepherds.

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