130 Quotes by Mother Angelica

  • Author Mother Angelica
  • Quote

    I must listen as God speaks to my soul through good thoughts, inspirations, and intuitions.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    Each one of us sees Jesus in a different way. To some, He was prophet, for they needed to know the kingdom was at hand. But most of all, He was the son of God, and He came to experience the consequences of the curse the Father had put upon mankind when Adam and Eve disobeyed.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    I cannot bring Christ to my neighbor and to the world if I have not first given him to my family.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    God has given each one of us a gift greater than a thousand I.B.M. machines. It is called a memory, and everything that passes through our five senses is stored in this faculty.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    The heart of Jesus is compassionate and understanding. It has felt the sting of ingratitude, and when my heart suffers from that same offense, I can turn to him, and he understands my feelings.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    Like Jesus, every human being has enough memories in his past to occupy his time and thoughts continually. It is not the remembrance of these incidents but the reliving of them that creates havoc in our souls.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    Our memories are our own, and we cannot blame anything or anyone in the past for any pain dwelling there. If we open the door to them or keep hashing over past incidents in our minds, we have only ourselves to blame.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
  • Quote

    To see a friend who has suffered the loss of all things begin again with trust and love, gives us strength to continue on.

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  • Author Mother Angelica
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    Love fills and empties simultaneously. It makes us reach out to God, ready to be pruned, recklessly desiring whatever the cost. It soothes the aching heart and then makes it thirst for more.

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