22 Quotes by Muhammad Asad

  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    So long as Muslims continue looking towards Western civilization as the only force that could regenerate their own stagnant society, they destroy their self-confidence and, indirectly, support the Western assertion that Islam is a "spent force".

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    İnsanlar içinde ancak çok basit düşünceli olanlar, herhangi bir medeniyetin manevî tesiri altında kalmadan, dış görünüşü ve şekliyle taklit edilebileceğine inanabilirler. Medeniyet, içi boş bir şekil değildir. O canlı bir bünye faaliyetidir. Şeklini kabullenmeye başladığımız anda, onun temel cereyanları ve faal tesirleri içimize işlemeye başlar. Sonra yavaş yavaş ve haberimiz olmadan fikrî hayatımıza belli bir elbise giydirilir.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    Kad sam upoznao islam i prihvatio ga kao svoj životni put, mislio sam da je svim mojim pitanjima i traženjima došao kraj. Samo postepeno, vrlo postepeno, postojao sam svjestan da to nije kraj, jer prihvatiti životni put koji nas obavezuje bilo je, barem za mene, nerazdvojno vezano sa željom da slijedim taj put s ljudima istog mišljenja - ne samo da ga slijedim u osobnom smislu nego i da radim za njegovo društveno življenje u zajednici koju izaberem. Za mene, islam je bio put, a ne kraj

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    و هكذا فإن الفرد مهما صحت عنده العزيمة فإنه لن يتمكن بحال من الأحوال أن يصوغ حياته على نحو يتوافق مع تعاليم الإسلام دون أن يصوغ المجتمع الذي يعيش فيه شؤون حياته في الإطار الذي رسمه الإسلام

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    There is one thing only which a Muslim can profitably learn from the west, the exact sciences in their pure and applied form. Only natural sciences and mathematics should be taught in Muslim schools, while tuition of European philosophy, literature and history should lose the position of primacy which today it holds on the curriculum.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    By imitating the manners and the mode of life of the West,the Muslims are being gradually forced to adopt the Western moral outlook: for the imitation of outward appearance leads,by degrees, to a corresponding assimilation of the world-view responsible for that appearance.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    ...we must learn -once again- to regard Islam as the norm by which the world is to be judged.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    ...to imitate Western civilization in its spirit, its mode of life and its social organization is impossible without dealing a fatal blow to the very existence of Islam as an ideological proposition.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    Konačno, to je pitanje ljubavi, a ljubav je složena od brojnih stvari: naših želja i naše usamljenosti, naših uzvišenih ciljeva i naših mana, naše snage i naše slabosti. Tako je bilo i sa mnom. Islam je ušao u mene. Šutke i potajno, ali - zauvijek.

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