418 Quotes by N. T. Wright
- Author N. T. Wright
I'm not a universalist, and the way I talk about final loss is this: People worship idols - money, whatever. Their humanness gets reshaped around the idol - you become like what you worship. That's one of the basic spiritual laws.
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- Author N. T. Wright
But the present world is also designed for something which has not yet happened. It is like a violin waiting to be played: beautiful to look at, graceful to hold - and yet if you'd never heard one in the hands of a musician, you wouldn't believe the new dimensions of beauty yet to be revealed.
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- Author N. T. Wright
Almost all the early Christian Fathers were opposed to the death penalty, even though it was of course standard practice across the ancient world.
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- Author N. T. Wright
The church exists primarily for two closely correlated purposes: to worship God and to work for his kingdom in the world ... The church also exists for a third purpose, which serves the other two: to encourage one another, to build one another up in faith, to pray with and for one another, to learn from one another and teach one another, and to set one another examples to follow, challenges to take up, and urgent tasks to perform. This is all part of what is known loosely as fellowship.
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- Author N. T. Wright
I believe we face the question: if not now, then when? And if we are grasped by this vision, we may also hear the question: If not us, then who? And if the gospel of Jesus is not the key to this task, then what is?
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- Author N. T. Wright
Hope, for the Christian, is not wishful thinking or mere blind optimism. It is a mode of knowing, a mode within which new things are possible, options are not shut down, new creation can happen.
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- Author N. T. Wright
You can't reconcile being pro-life on abortion and pro-death on the death penalty.
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- Author N. T. Wright
Resurrection means bodily life after ‘life after death,’ or, if you prefer, bodily life after the state of ‘death’
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- Author N. T. Wright
God's plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was "very good." Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.
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