66 Quotes by Natasha Pulley

  • Author Natasha Pulley
  • Quote

    Being mad isn’t an excuse for being vague. Can we at least have specific madness?

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
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    In Japan, first names are only for who you’re married to, or if you’re being rude,′ the watchmaker explained.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
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    When a sign says don’t walk on the grass, one hops.’ He.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
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    He was from Glasgow. Everything past “good morning” was a blur.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
  • Quote

    There was a cheer, and he took his first deep breath for months. He hadn’t been aware of breathing shallowly. It had happened gradually; someone had put a penny on his chest every hour since November, and now the weight of thousands of pennies had lifted at once.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
  • Quote

    But Spanish and English aren’t different languages, only extreme dialects of Latin. It’s almost possible to translate word for word. Translation from a language unrelated to English is nothing to do with equivalent words. Whenever I’d tried to do that in Chinese I’d come out with unbroken nonsense. I had to forget the English, hang the meaning up in a well-lit gallery, stare at it hard, then describe it afresh.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
  • Quote

    All I could think was that the border was a clever idea. It might as well have been Hadrian’s Wall, but they had taken the idea and distilled it down to all that was actually required of a wall in a perfectly policed world: a line on the ground.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
  • Quote

    It is not summer, England doesn’t have summer, it has continuous autumn with a fortnight’s variation here and there.

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  • Author Natasha Pulley
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    People are like bees. They’re all workers who could be queens, with the right stuff, but once a queen-making has begun, it can’t be reversed. A bee that’s halfway a queen can’t turn back into a worker. She’d starve. She must keep growing and then she must leave.

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