691 Quotes by Neal Stephenson

  • Author Neal Stephenson
  • Quote

    The same thrust, pushing against a greatly reduced burden, would then yield acceleration that Lio had cheerfully described as 'near-fatal.' 'But it's okay,' he'd said, 'you'll black out before anything really bad happens to you.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    „Ohne Vergütungen, die weit über das eigentlich Angemessene hinausgehen, wäre der Beruf des Politikers viel zu unerfreulich.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    The House of the Venerable and Inscrutable Colonel was what they called it when they were speaking Chinese. Venerable because of his goatee, white as the dogwood blossom, a badge of unimpeachable credibility in Confucian eyes. Inscrutable because he had gone to his grave without divulging the Secret of the Eleven Herbs and Spices.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    Y'know, watching government regulators trying to keep up with the world is my favorite sport.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    Like a horseman who reins in a wild stallion that has borne him, will he, nill he, across several counties; or a ship's captain who, after scudding before a gale through a bad night, hoists sail, and gets underway once more, navigating through unfamiliar seas- thus Dr. Daniel Waterhouse, anno domini 1685, watching King Charles II die at Whitehall Palace.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    She heaved two or three times, as if sobbing, and suddenly sneezed -- not a polite 'atchoo' but a thermonuclear explosion so powerful that she staggered in place, nearly losing her balance, and some loitering Hispanic men on the other side of the boulevard looked up alertly, ready for action.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    Le persone che aveva consultato gli avevano unanimemente risposto che la matematica, come il restauro degli organi a canne, era sì una bella cosa, ma che a un certo punto bisognava pur trovare un lavoro che desse da mangiare.

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  • Author Neal Stephenson
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    As Hiro crests the pass on his motorcycle at five in the morning, the town of Port Sherman, Oregon, is suddenly laid out before him: a flash of yellow loglo wrapped into a vast U-shaped valley that was ground out of the rock, a long time ago, by a big tongue of ice in an epochal period of geological cunnilingus.

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