35 Quotes by Nesta Jojoe Erskine

  • Author Nesta Jojoe Erskine
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    You are not a bad person just because you were at fault this once. Grow from your faults and strive to be a better person. Being a good person isn’t a destination, it’s something we pursue all the time. Sometimes, we will fail but it’s alright.

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  • Author Nesta Jojoe Erskine
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    When the works of your life are good, you need not explain yourself any further. The world will see it as it is and you’ll become what your work portrays.

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  • Author Nesta Jojoe Erskine
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    Today, these failures don’t mean anything to me. Looking back, they were everything that made me question the essence of my existence. Every one of them was hard for me to take. But what happened afterwards? Life happened, time passed, and their impact lessened. Most importantly, I moved on.

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  • Author Nesta Jojoe Erskine
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    If Ludwig Van Beethoven could create the longest symphony without hearing a tune of it, then something can come from nothingness. When we lose our ears, we don’t have to die with all the symphonies left in us. There is a heart that can still play us a beautiful rhythm. Every heartbeat is a beginning of a new symphony.

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  • Author Nesta Jojoe Erskine
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    The story of Sisyphus is no different from what we have to go through every day of our lives. We wake up, toil during the day, come home eventide and rest only to begin toiling again the next day. The only difference is that we are mere mortals and one day, we will die. Death excuses us from our daily toils unlike Sisyphus who has to toil till eternity.

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