599 Quotes by Newt Gingrich

  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    If we can't respond faster than this to an event we saw coming across the Gulf for days, then why do we think we're prepared to respond to a nuclear or biological attack?

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    I believe that whatever that document is -- inevitably and legitimately -- the American people should have access to (it). Certainly all of the members will want access, the senators will want access... ... We think it is, frankly, more legitimate and more in the spirit of what we are trying to do ... for everyone to have access to it.

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    Imagine a party that grew over the next four years as much as we've grown over the last four.

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    I found everything we've seen about Mrs. Willey's testimony ... to be very troubling,

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    For so many Americans, what goes on here in Washington often seems abstract and remote, unrelated to their daily concerns,

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    If allowed to stand, this decision will place the lives of our brave fighting men and women -- and ultimately millions of Americans -- in jeopardy,

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    I don't understand how people can rush to a solution before they finish the investigation, ... There's an awful lot of evidence that hasn't been gathered yet. People need to allow the process to go forward in an orderly manner and not assume that they know what the final outcome will be either way.

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  • Author Newt Gingrich
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    I don't want to be critical of the White House, but the key is to put the Iraqi campaign in the context of a regional struggle that includes elements in Syria , Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and then put that in the context of the larger struggle against the irreconcilable wing of Islam,

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