108 Quotes by Nick Clegg

  • Author Nick Clegg
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    One thing I've very quickly learned is that if you wake up every morning worrying about what's in the press, you would go completely and utterly potty.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    The caricature of what George Osborne is doing on the fiscal side is absurd. If you read some of the commentary, particularly from the left, you would think he was turning the clock back to the 1930s.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    What I hope is in five years' time, I can go to the British people in the election and say: Lots of you doubted that coalition politics worked, but it has worked.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    With the EU taking in ten more countries and adopting a new Constitution, organisations need more than ever intelligent professional help in engaging with the EU institutions.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    Any government, of whatever composition, needs to mobilise opinion way beyond its own ranks in order to do the difficult things that it does.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    The choices politicians make must be based on values - not an arbitrary, axe-wielding approach to public spending or a dismal exchange between Gordon Brown and David Cameron about percentages that sounds like an argument between different book-keepers.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    I totally accept that it's a legitimate criticism that when you are involved in the day-to-day scrum of government that what can get lost is the narrative, the hymn sheet the song that inspires and lifts people's sights.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    Liberalism is a really old British tradition and it has a completely different attitude towards the individual and the relationship between the individual and the state than the collectivist response of Labour, and particularly Old Labour, does.

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  • Author Nick Clegg
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    Most of what needs to be changed in the euro zone can be done without treaty changes. The demand for treaty change is as political as it is legal and I don't think it's going to happen soon.

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