197 Quotes by Nicola Sturgeon

  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    The truth of the matter is that countries the world over have deficits. Let us remember this about Scotland's deficit: it was not created in an independent Scotland; it was created on Westminster's watch.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Because of lower life expectancy in Scotland - something that we are working hard to improve - the average woman will get £11,000 less in pension payments than counterparts in the rest of the U.K., even though she will pay exactly the same in contributions.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Is it not typical that we have a Tory Government that wants, just like its pals in the Labour Party, constantly to talk down Scotland's prospects?

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    I do not want to see, for any reason, the Tories resurgent in any way.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    This government and the party that I lead will continue to argue an alternative to the Tory-Labour austerity.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    It is clear that my predecessor as First Minister is frightening the life out of the Tories and the Labour Party. Long may it continue.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    People who think of a nationalist party sometimes think 'inward-looking and parochial.' The kind of nationalism I represent is the opposite of that.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Would I love to think that one day I would be First Minister of an independent Scotland? Of course.

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