197 Quotes by Nicola Sturgeon

  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Many people from many different walks of life have marriages that break up, and those are deeply personal, deeply painful but ultimately private matters.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Clearly, any issues about breaching of expenses rules should be properly investigated.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Labour's support in Scotland depends on their ability to be electable. If they are divided and unelectable, what's the point?

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    I feel sorry for generations of Labour voters and supporters who must look and wonder what on earth has gone wrong and what Labour is for.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    I'm manifestly not the same as Alex Salmond. I'm a different gender, for example... I'm being flippant, but maybe this is a partly gender-driven difference: I'm very keen that we find a way of reaching out across party divides to find things we agree on, as well as the things we disagree on.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    I'm not making any secret of the fact I still believe in independence. We'll continue to argue the case.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Our MPs will take decisions on how they're voting on a day-to-day basis. But I'm the leader of the party, and in terms of our overall strategy and how we vote on key issues, then ultimately, those decisions will be mine.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    I've not hidden and I'll never hide the fact that I want Scotland to be an independent country. But as long as we're part of the Westminster system, it's really important to people in Scotland that we get good decisions coming out of Westminster. So we've got a vested interest in being a constructive participant.

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  • Author Nicola Sturgeon
  • Quote

    Our opposition to Trident is very clear, very firm, very long-standing, very principled, and we would seek to build an alliance to prevent the renewal of Trident.

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