57 Quotes by Nina Hagen
- Author Nina Hagen
My daughter Cosma is a very popular actress in Germany. She also organizes these wonderful open-air parties. She has a wonderful teacher, she's very smart. And I sometimes perform at her festivals.
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- Author Nina Hagen
I'm Opera Singer. I can sing Brecht, Weil.
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- Author Nina Hagen
I wrote many songs about UFOs.
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- Author Nina Hagen
Lady Gaga is a pop prostitute, a satanic b-- with her fascist and demonic secret signs! Her pop prostitution has more to do with bikini advertising than with warmth,
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- Author Nina Hagen
I'm from East Berlin. I grew up in the Bertold Brecht, Kurt Weil tradition, also in the old hippie tradition.
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- Author Nina Hagen
I have my own strength.
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- Author Nina Hagen
Karma, ahhh. We sow what we reap... We reap what we sow! We reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect. And we are all under this law.
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- Author Nina Hagen
It doesn’t matter how old people are. It matters if they love each other and have fun with each other. It has nothing to do with age. To get old is a mental disease. Everything is in the head.
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- Author Nina Hagen
Jesus Christ will be the leader of an intergalactic earth evacuation. We’re getting some earth leaders up there to check the mother ship. The Bible says that the sky will be glorious and Christ will come back to us all.
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