138 Quotes by Nora Sakavic
- Author Nora Sakavic
I am more than this," Dan whispered.If she didn't believe in herself, no one would, but how much longer could she hold her ground when everyone else kept kicking her feet out from under her?
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- Author Nora Sakavic
Io sono più di questo," Dan mormorò.Se lei non avesse creduto in se stessa, nessun altro l'avrebbe fatto, ma quanto a lungo avrebbe potuto resistere quando tutti continuavano a tranciarle le gambe?
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- Author Nora Sakavic
I certainly don't pity you. Why should I? You're all fire. A tiny loss like this can't put such a great flame out, right? You and I are the same that way, I think. We don't sit well with being told no.
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- Author Nora Sakavic
[Neil] I'm fine.' It was out before he could stop it. Wymack didn't have to say anything. The look on his face said enough. Neil fixed hid stare on the coffeepot and tried not to fidget. ... 'Neil,' Wymack said, 'between you and me, I don't think you've ever been fine.' Neil didn't have an answer for that, but he didn't need one. Wymack continued his routine...
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- Author Nora Sakavic
Io sicuramente non ti compatisco. Perché dovrei? Tu sei fuoco puro. Una sconfitta insignificante come questa non può di certo estinguere una fiamma così grandiosa, no? Tu ed io siamo uguali da questo punto di vista, suppongo. Non ce ne rimaniamo in disparte quando ci viene detto di no.
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- Author Nora Sakavic
Kevin," Neil said, and waited for Kevin to finally look at him. "Figure out what you want more than anything, what it would kill you to lose. That's what's at stake if you let Riko win. Calculate the cost of your fear. If it's too much, you need to fight. Wouldn't you rather die trying than never try at all?" "It's death either way," Kevin pointed out. "Die free or die a failure," Neil said. "The choice is yours
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- Author Nora Sakavic
[...] It's a cruel world, right Neil? You wouldn't be here if it wasn't.""It's not the world that's cruel," Neil said. "It's the people in it.
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- Author Nora Sakavic
Neil didn't know what sound he made but Andrew's fingers were a sudden and unforgiving weight on the back of his neck. Andrew pushed him forward and held him down. Neil tried to breathe but his chest was as tight as a rubber band ready to snap.
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- Author Nora Sakavic
Tonight Neil was in perfect form, and he was mad as hell at the Ravens for hurting his Foxes.
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