79 Quotes by Norman Rockwell
- Author Norman Rockwell
Some folks think I painted Lincoln from life, but I haven’t been around that long. Not quite.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
The remarks about my reaching the age of Social Security and coming to the end of the road, they jolted me. And that was good. Because I sure as hell had no intention of just sitting around for the rest of my life. So I’d whip out the paints and really go to it.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
It wouldn’t be right for me to clown around when I’m painting a president.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
Everyone in those days expected that art students were wild, licentious characters. We didn’t know how to be, but we sure were anxious to learn.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
You must first spend some time getting your model to relax. Then you’ll get a natural expression.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
I know of no painless process for giving birth to a picture idea. When I must produce, I retire to a quiet room with a supply of cheap paper and sharp pencils; my brain knows it’s going to take a beating.
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- Author Norman Rockwell
I’ll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I’d like to.
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