136 Quotes by Norman Schwarzkopf

  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    What is postwar Iraq going to look like, with the Kurds and the Sunnis and the Shiites? That’s a huge question, to my mind.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    But I would defy anyone to go back over the years and tell me anyone whose career I’ve ruined, anyone whom I’ve driven out of the service, anyone I’ve fired from a job.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    If we invade Iraq and the regime is very close to falling, I’m very, very concerned that the Iraqis will, in fact, use weapons of mass destruction.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    It is God’s job to forgive Osama Bin Laden. It is our job to arrange a face to face meeting.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
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    The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    What people don't understand is this is something that we only have in America. There is no other country in the world where the ordinary citizen can go out and enjoy hunting and fishing. There's no other nation in the world where that happens. And it's very much a part of our heritage.

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  • Author Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Quote

    Particularly when you're dealing with very high ranking people, you know, you have to get their attention, they are used to, by their rank, of having their own way and doing their own thing and when it's necessary to all work together on something, sometimes you have to hit the mule between the eyes with a two by four to get its attention.

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