617 Quotes by Orhan Pamuk
- Author Orhan Pamuk
أحيانًا يخيفني، ويرعبني، ويذكرني بطفولتي، إنني أشتاق لأن أكون أكثرا شبهًا به. إن كل رجل يبدأ موته بموت أبيه.
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
Is the need for a father always there, or do we feel it only when we are confused, or anguished, when our world is falling apart?
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
Clocks and calendars do not exist to remind us of the Time we've forgotten but to regulate our relations with others and indeed all of society, and this is how we use them.
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
I write because I can partake of real life only by changing it.
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
لم يكن الرب أكثر ما أخافني لكن اولئك الذين غالوا في الإيمان به. وكان الشيء الثاني الذي يرعبني غباء الورعين، الذي لا يمكن أبداً مقارنة حكمهم بحكم الرب - حاشا للرب- الذي يعبدونه من كل قلوبهم
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
As much as I live I shall not imitate them or hate myself for being different to them
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
I thought: I am most completely myself when nobody’s watching. I had only just begun to discover this truth. When there is no one to observe us, the other self we keep hidden inside can come out and do as it pleases. But when you have a father near enough to keep an eye on you, that second self remains buried within.
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
Because, as I would always tell myself so many years later, lying here in my bed: You can't start out again in life, that's a carriage ride you only take once, but with a book in your hand, no matter how confusing and perplexing it might be, once you've finished it, you can always go back to the beginning; if you like, you can read it through again, in order to figure out what you couldn't understand before, in order to understand life, isn't that so, Fatma?
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- Author Orhan Pamuk
Babasız büyürsen âlemin bir merkezi ve sınırı olduğunu anlamaz, her şeyi yapabileceğini sanırsın...ama bir süre sonra ne yapacağını bilmez, dünyada bir mana, bir merkez bulmaya çalışır, sana hayır diyecek birini aramaya başlarsın.
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