264 Quotes by Orrin Hatch

  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    Our heroes are fighting to bring stability to the Middle East, and they have put pressure on all of the tyrannies of the Middle East. They have taken a stand against tyranny, against terrorists, and for the prospect of decent societies throughout that region.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    But I bear witness to Christ, too. I really know him to be the savior of the world. And that means more to me than almost anything else I know.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    We have a different attitude about this and we believe literally that they should be treated with respect and not be demeaned and we don't have a litmus test on abortion, so there's a real difference, ... have had to go through some pretty scorching stuff.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    No matter how badly senators want to know things, judicial nominees are limited in what they may discuss. That limitation is real, and it comes from the very nature of what judges do.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    You know, we should not be giving cash to people who basically are just going to blow it on drugsand not take care of their own children.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    This vote should have been 100-0. But 78 senators applied the right standard in evaluating a judicial nominee - a nonpolitical standard - and that's a good sign.

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    The position that you have been nominated for is chief justice of the United States. Do you plan to use that role as a bully pulpit to encourage members of the bar to take seriously their responsibility to undertake pro bono work as you have done throughout your legal career?

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    You have a serious person in Scooter Libby who really has served this country very, very well over the years,

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  • Author Orrin Hatch
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    Where they make phone calls and whether the president raises money or not is one thing. The way they've done it seems to be unethical, illegal, (and) in poor taste, ... Were foreign influences trying to influence the election?

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