130 Quotes by Os Guinness

  • Author Os Guinness
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    The American 'unum' has been lost since the Sixties. If this continues, there will soon be no unifying American identity and vision to balance the 'pluribus,' and the days of the Republic will be numbered.

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    Jesus called for nothing like this, and Pat Robertson sounded more like one of the radical imams.

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    The aim is to truly reach the gatekeepers, those who are astride the doorways of influence and power,

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    At that point the creed becomes a way of saying what the infidel next door believes, too.

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    The Christian church in the U.S. is still strong numerically, but it has lost its decisive influence both in American public life and in American culture as a whole, especially in the major elite institutions of society.

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    In the sorry ranks of the revisionists, the loss of anything identifiably Christian is now almost complete,

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    We may be in the dark about what God is *doing*, but we are not in the dark about God.

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  • Author Os Guinness
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    Friedrich Nietzsche predicted that secular people, losing touch with transcendence, would eventually lose a reference point from which to look down and judge themselves. In the end they would lose even the capacity to despise themselves. Thus, because of the 'death of God', they would confuse heaven with happiness, and happiness with health.

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