126 Quotes by Owen Jones

  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    May you always look as beautiful as this last time I saw you.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    We bar girls don't cheat on wives, we are just the rope that cheating husbands hang themselves with.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    We are like the RCMP, we are Mountees and we always get our man to come, just not always quietly.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    A stack overflow error caused cabin fever and the reset button was Pattaya.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    Dieting is long-haul. Many rapid weight loss programs actually only squeeze the water out of you. Just like a wet sponge. But a good dieter maintains his or her grip on that sponge, not letting it soak up water again.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    We bar girls don’t cheat on wives, we are just the rope that cheating husbands hang themselves with.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    Under the modern Establishment, the function of the state has been reconfigured. Now, it exists to support private interests, including sectors – like the City – which have nothing but contempt for the state.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    It is entirely undesirable that on modern housing estates only one type of citizen should live,’ he argued. ‘If we are to enable citizens to lead a full life, if they are each to be aware of the problems of their neighbours, then they should all be drawn from different sectors of the community. We should try to introduce what was always the lovely feature of English and Welsh villages, where the doctor, the grocer, the butcher and the farm labourer all lived in the same street.

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  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    As well as a shared mentality, the Establishment is cemented by financial links and a ‘revolving door’ culture: that is, powerful individuals gliding between the political, corporate and media worlds – or who manage to inhabit these various worlds at the same time. The terms of political debate are in large part dictated by a media controlled by a small number of exceptionally rich owners, while think tanks and political parties are funded by wealthy individuals and corporate interests.

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