126 Quotes by Owen Jones

  • Author Owen Jones
  • Quote

    Because so many employers refuse to pay their workers a wage on which they can live - most Britons languishing below the poverty line are in work - the state has to spend billions of pounds a year on in-work benefits.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    Britain's unions were broken and battered by Thatcherism and never recovered.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    Neoliberalism has left Britain's boss classes drunk on triumphalism, paying themselves record salaries and bonuses while their workers are imprisoned by poverty and insecurity. It was never going to last.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    We should all expect to be able to die with comfort, dignity and love. Our society does not lack the wealth to realise this aspiration, but the willpower.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    A party committed to defending the economic interests of rich elites could never win by saying so.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    The market fundamentalist ideology that dominates much of the west has attempted to indoctrinate us with a simple myth: that we all rise or fall according to our individual efforts alone; that billionaires amass vast amounts of wealth because they are entrepreneurial, plucky, go-getting geniuses.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    One of the greatest own goals in modern British political history helped create one of the biggest political parties in the western world, but one committed to socialism rather than rehashed Blairite triangulation.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    Freedom of movement in Europe has been all but abandoned as a cause in British politics. Brexit was far more about freedom of movement than our exact trading relationship with the EU, and the electorate rejected it.

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  • Author Owen Jones
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    Genuine democracy is frequently messy, not stage-managed.

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