"Loving him didn’t fix anything. Loving him didn’t change anything. Loving him simply made everything else bearable."
"Neferet, you’re nuttier than squirrel turds."
"Nefertiti, the most beautiful calico in the world, chose me as her own six short years ago."
"We stand separate from the world because of our gifts. Never forget that, because you may be sure the world never will."
"You can’t win integrity and honor from games. You can only earn them from living a life dedicated to those ideals."
"Okay, well, let’s do a little reenactment. I’m the gay-looking DiCaprio and you’re Rose. You have to keep your eyes open and on my face, or you’ll have to let me go and I’ll turn into a huge gay Popsicle."
"Friendship can only be addition to, not a substitute for true love."
"Blood Leads to Humanity, Spirit Leads to Night, and Earth Completes."
"What if the beauty around us is meant as a reminder for the many gifts we have been given and our need to give thanks to them?"
"You are special. Accept that about yourself, and you will begin to understand there is true power in your uniqueness."