285 Quotes by P.C. Cast
"I've found that the way a person feels about cats-and the way they feel about him or her in return-is usually an excellent gauge by which to measure a person's character"
"Above me I feel your lovemy GoddessFull of the promise that through youmy GoddessAll things ripen and come to fruitionmy GoddessAs the diaphanous boundary between worldsmy GoddessIs illuminated by the white light of your signmy GoddessI ask that some small ray of your love descendmy GoddessFill this seaborne chalicemy GoddessSo that I might pour it over memy GoddessAnd take your gentle touch to the children of the night"
"Und was passiert, wenn du nicht mehr da bist, um [...] mich immer daran zu erinnern, wie ein Zuhause ist?"
"True love is not a potion one person can swallow and another refuse to drink. It happens only when the souls of two join together to form one"
"I waited for my thighs and butt to uncramp. Of course, they didn't know the loosening rule. They were screaming things like *Are you crazy? Do you know we're thirty-five years old? Sit down and feed us a Twinkie!"