285 Quotes by P.C. Cast
"Sweet weeping baby Jesus he has a six-pack to beat all six-packs!"
"No sabía qué pensar de aquel hombre caballo con quien debía permanecer casada durante un año. Era obvio que me interesaba. Después de todo, no había conocido nunca a nadie como él. Admitamos que no hay muchos centauros corriendo por Oklahoma, al menos por Tulsa. Una no podía saber lo que pasaba en el interior del Estado.P.C. Cast, En el lugar de la diosa"
"I was blinking back freaked-out tears when Rephaim whispered my name. I looked over at him. He smiled and mouthed two small words: people change."
"And when you love someone you don’t always see them realistically."
"Oh, for crap's sake, I can barely look at it," Aphrodite said, turning her head from the archway and averting her eyes. "And I usually love sparkly things."
"No, Zoey."Heat sounded pissed.It's not okay here. Not for you."Well, maybe that's 'cause I'm not dead. Yet."