29 Quotes by Paddick Van Zyl

"We can either go through a situation or grow through a situation, the choice is ours. Joseph is an excellent example to emulate (Genesis 37~50)"


"At best, one can slow down the aging process, for a while but one can never stop it. Aging will have the final say over the mortal human body..."


"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born old and fragile but with all the wisdom you will need for life and to grow younger and more energetic as you progress through life and when you die you are like a child, carefree and happy? To start life wise and end it having used all the wisdom and knowledge for good."


"We often think we know what is best forus and then we plan and order our lives from this knowledge. God, however, knows the end from the beginning, He is the all ­wise One and He alone knows the future. We can spare ourselves so much sorrow and heartache, often, by going to God first and waiting on Him in prayer and waiting for His timing and plan to unfold, giving Him glory because He has a good plan for all of us."


"The praise of man brings with it three snares: pride, false security and addiction. Taking the glory unto self and not acknowledging God, relying on what I can do and entrenching a false sense of self worth and getting addicted to more praise. The praise of God is real and everlasting."


"When we submit to God, when we call upon His Name and give Him the glory as we trust Him, we can rest assured that God will give us the victory. When we obey God’s instructions, we will succeed. Obedience is key to success."


"Don't wait for someone to become a memory before you love them"


"The joy of giving versus the sadness and loneliness of hoarding. There is no greater joy than that of giving and sharing. It is liberating. We can, after all, not take anything with us when we die and leave this earth behind."


"God not only provided us with the ability to choose, to make decisions, but He also desires that we make these choices and decisions in consultation with Him, His written word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit."


"The testing of Abraham’s faith was not for God to see if Abraham would obey since God knows everything from A to Z. It was for Abraham to find out if his faith in God will stand the test. How far was he willing to obey God? How strong was his faith in God really? God knows us. He knows what is in our hearts, we cannot fool Him"
