29 Quotes by Paddick Van Zyl

  • Author Paddick Van Zyl
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    At best, one can slow down the aging process, for a while but one can never stop it. Aging will have the final say over the mortal human body...

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  • Author Paddick Van Zyl
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    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born old and fragile but with all the wisdom you will need for life and to grow younger and more energetic as you progress through life and when you die you are like a child, carefree and happy? To start life wise and end it having used all the wisdom and knowledge for good.

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  • Author Paddick Van Zyl
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    We often think we know what is best forus and then we plan and order our lives from this knowledge. God, however, knows the end from the beginning, He is the all ­wise One and He alone knows the future. We can spare ourselves so much sorrow and heartache, often, by going to God first and waiting on Him in prayer and waiting for His timing and plan to unfold, giving Him glory because He has a good plan for all of us.

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