23 Quotes by Pamela Geller

  • Author Pamela Geller
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    Elite politicians in Europe have no problem with participating in demonstrations where Muslims openly shout ‘Death to the Jews.’ Seventy years after Auschwitz, they have no shame.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    Universities have disinvited Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Ann Coulter, Yiannopoulos, and legions of conservative thinkers and voices in defense of freedom, but a pro-sharia and anti-Israel activist they will defend to the death.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    These mega-mosques are making a supremacist statement. Most people assume they’re just like synagogues or churches. They don’t realize that Islam has political goals that are expressed through the mosques, and that the mosques often symbolize that Muslims are claiming a particular territory as their own. For the Muslim Brotherhood, mosques aren’t just houses of worship. They’re centers of political power, from which plans are made to increase that power in various ways.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    FBI statistics showed that Jews were significantly more likely to be targets of hate crimes than Muslims.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    If you will not stand with Israel, then I will not stand with you.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    I will continue to speak in defense of freedom until the day I die. It’s just that simple. It’s not even a choice. It’s a calling.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    I will not abridge my freedoms so as not to offend savages, freedom of speech is under violent assault here.

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  • Author Pamela Geller
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    It is the responsibility of people like me and people who believe in the true Islam to stand up and say, that blasphemy is not punishable by death.

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