211 Quotes by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

"As long as we remain a drop in the ocean, we say ‘no’ to life. We neither love nor trust. We don’t feel blissful either, because bliss is possible only for those who know how to love and trust. It happens only to those who know how to feel part of the ocean. Bliss is possible only when our heart says ‘yes’, when the ‘no’ completely disappears from our being. ‘No’ is darkness, ‘yes’ is light. ‘No’ is ego, ‘yes’ is egolessness."


"The way to be in bliss is to dissolve into the ocean, not to be a drop but to merge with the ocean. To be a drop is to be a hindrance. To be a drop is to be with ego. The ego is the root of all misery. When the ego is absent, bliss reaches us from every nook and corner of the ocean of existence, as if it were just waiting for the ego to disappear."


"If you know your dharma, you will use the same to build your teamily.*you will know exactly who you should inspire, who should be given fear, who should be given greed, who should be given inspiration, who should be given love, who should be given gifts, who should be given punishment. You will simply know the science of building your life."


"If you know what is the code, what kind of a methodology you use to coordinate your heart and lungs and brain, how you inspire them, keep them active, alive, healthy, you'll simply know how to keep your business and family active, alive, healthy."


"I want all of you to know: genetically itself Hindu women carry this knowledge. This knowledge is in the DNA of Hindu women. Hindu women are the best to make a stable family.Whether as head of the family or a sanyasi, nun, or in business, Hindu women are the best."


"If you start taking haritaki powder, don't think it will only cleanse your intestine and work only as a laxative and you will become healthy. That is only a small effect of haritaki. Every night if you take haritaki powder, not just it will bring you health, it will remove all the parasites from your muscle memory and intestine."


"Life is a beautiful gambling. Either it can make you god or it can just destroy you. It is how you play. Life is neither good nor bad, it is how you play."


"The person who does delayed gratification lives a healthy, long life because the parasites in him can't trigger patterns in him. Delayed gratification will kill the parasites and the patterns triggered by the parasites."


"The person who unclutches and understands his source code - the source code of his internal software, becomes the best person to strategise even for social / economical / political success."


"I understood the source code software of myself, my body, how the various organs of my body are coordinated, how they are all inspired, excited, what inspires them, what makes them active, alive, energetic... I have understood that source code. Because of that, even poison could not kill me."
