194 Quotes by Patrick O'Brian
- Author Patrick O'Brian
Better than a shove in the eye with a dry stick. [- Jack]
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Why, the devil, do you see,' said Jack, 'is the seam between the deck-planking and the timbers, and we call it the devil, because it is the /devil/ for the caulkers to come at: in full we say, the devil to pay and no pitch hot; and what we mean is, that there is something hell-fire difficult to be done - must be done - and nothing to do it with. It is a figure.
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
...looking angrily at the wombat: and a moment later, 'Come now, Stephen, this is coming it pretty high: your brute is eating my hat.' 'So he is, too,' said Dr. Maturin. 'But do not be perturbed, Jack; it will do him no harm, at all. His digestive processes--
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Sometimes you receive a knock in action: it may be your death-wound or just a scratch
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
That would be locking the horse after the stable door is gone, a very foolish thing to do.
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Let us live whilst we are alive.
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Come all you thoughtless young men,a warning take by meAnd never leave your happy homesto sail the raging sea.
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Since the sheets were half-flown the sails instantly split at the seams, the maintopsail shaking so furiously that the masthead must have gone had not Mowett, the bosun, Bonden, Warley the captain of the maintop and three of his men gone aloft, laid out on the ice-coated yard and cut the sail away close to the reefs.Warley was on the lee yardarm when the footrope gave way under him and he fell, plunging far clear of the side and instantly vanishing in the terrible sea.
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- Author Patrick O'Brian
Hollom was going forward along the larboard gangway: Nagel, an able seamen but one of the most sullen, bloody-minded and argumentative of the Defenders, was coming aft on the same narrow passage. They were abreast of one another; and Nagel walked straight on without the slightest acknowledgement other than a look of elaborate unconcern.
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