180 Quotes by Paul Gauguin

  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one’s will.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    Sooner or later people will learn to recognize your worth.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    All the joys – animal and human – of a free life are mine. I have escaped everything that is artificial, conventional, customary.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    No one wants my painting because it is different from other people’s peculiar, crazy public that demands the greatest possible degree of originality on the painter’s part and yet won’t accept him unless his work resembles that of the others!

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    The history of modern art is also the history of the progressive loss of art’s audience. Art has increasingly become the concern of the artist and the bafflement of the public.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    I am a great artist and I know it. It’s because I am that I have endured such sufferings.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    You may dream freely when you listen to music as well as when you look at painting. When you read a book you are the slave of the author’s mind.

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  • Author Paul Gauguin
  • Quote

    Soon I’ll be old and I’ve done precious little in this world for lack of time. I am always afraid I’ll become senile before I’ve finished what I’ve undertaken.

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