101 Quotes by Paul Russell

"People always had one kind of animal or another inside them."


"Absolutely, love matters,” she reiterated. “We forget that at our own risk."


"Class, she reminded herself, was the real marker in America."


"But men are such strange creatures, really. I think most of them would rather we weren’t around at all, so they could just spend time mooning over each other. Hero worship and all that stuff."


"For eventually one gets over reality’s affront to one’s innocence. One grows accustomed to the melancholy fact that we all sell ourselves at one time or another, that whoring is the dirty little secret of our success as human beings."


"When he got a story urge, there was nothing to do but grab a pen and write. Otherwise it was too much like getting a hard-on and not jerking off."


"Love loves anarchy. It loves to wreak havoc. It loves to dance atop the ruins."


"Soon would come the night in which there was no more work – not the work of the hands, nor the work of the mind, nor the work of the heart."


"She simply could not imagine lives ending so soon. Oh, you poor young men, she thought wildly."


"Still, the illusion of love had, in its time, led to stranger depravities."
