101 Quotes by Paul Russell

"My darlings! You can hardly expect an aged crone like me to mar such a lovely event. No, I shall remain here and knit shadows. Now go forth and shine bravely, and think of nothing but love."


"If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that the unfortunate thing about life is that everything’s mixed. There’s no absolute good and there’s no absolute evil. There’s just a lot of confusion."


"The past is the past. It’s the present we should worry about."


"It is Halloween,” he explains coyly. “I wanted to come out as something beautiful. None of this witch stuff for me. My God, don’t we spend our whole life as witches?"


"Fuck it. All she thinks about these days is whether something’ll get her into trouble. Who cares? There was certainly a time when she didn’t: and she was a better person then."


"There was no denying it. Boys grabbed him. Their loveliness tore him apart. The world was a wonder after all."


"I’ll put it to you simply: love is the enemy. That’s my conclusion. We should all live in our little monk cells and never venture out ..."


"Was there anything quite so painful, so fraught with the possibilities of hurt, as gift giving within a family?"


"I think good conversation is really the best form of sex."


"Sometimes Anatole wonders just where the elusive point is, where you stop being sane."
