333 Quotes by Paul Ryan

  • Author Paul Ryan
  • Quote

    It all started off with stirring speeches, Greek columns, the thrill of something new. Now all that’s left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed, like a ship trying to sail on yesterday’s wind.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    President Obama clearly cannot run on his record. All he’s offering is more of the same. That’s not good. Look at the economy. It’s stagnating. And so, what they’re now going to try and do is bring this campaign down to little things, distractions, distortions, smear, fear, anger, frustration.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
  • Quote

    It’s no coincidence that trust in government is at an all-time low now that the size of government is at an all-time high.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    What I’m concerned about is endless borrowing, which is going to compromise our economy not only today but in the future. Because we know the decisions we make right now really dramatically impact us in the future, and the debt is literally getting out of our control.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    Only by taking responsibility for oneself, to the greatest extent possible, can one ever be free, and only a free person can make responsible choices – between right and wrong, saving and spending, giving or taking.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    Hey, I’m a Catholic deer hunter, I am happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    I’m as pro-life as a person gets. You’re not going to have a truce.

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    Since taking office, President Obama has signed into law spending increases of nearly 25 percent for domestic government agencies – an 84 percent increase when you include the failed stimulus. All of this new government spending was sold as ‘investment.’

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  • Author Paul Ryan
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    Every now and then, President Obama sorta drops his veil. He’s less coy about his philosophy, he sort of reveals his true governing philosophy, what he really believes.

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