181 Quotes by Paula McLain

"Don’t be difficult, Denys,” Nell chided. “All women like a little flattery from time to time.” “What if they didn’t? What if they simply liked themselves and no one needed to bend backwards to flatter them? Wouldn’t it all be simpler then?"


"The world needs an army of Wandas – strong, sarcastic, unafraid women who say what they think and act straightforwardly, without apology or permission. Women who roar instead of flinch."


"He talks about the gift of being lost in the woods. I’ve always found that comforting, somehow. That maybe you have to be truly lost before you can find yourself again."


"I hope we’ll get lucky enough to grow old together."


"I love you now more than I ever have in some ways and though different people view their marriage vows differently, I meant mine to the death. I’m ready to be yours forever if you must know it, but since you’ve fallen in love and want to marry someone else, I feel I have no choice but to move aside and let you do that."


"For seven years Ernest had been not so much in my heart and mind as in my very blood cells. And now I would have to learn to live without him. How? Where could one learn to do that kind of amputation, and walk away alive, and still be the same person?"


"There is nothing else than now. There is neither yesterday, certainly, nor is there any tomorrow. How old must you be before you know that? – ERNEST HEMINGWAY, For Whom the Bell Tolls."


"A week passes but it feels as if he’s never been anywhere else. It’s one of the things war does to you. Everything you see works to replace moments and people from your life before, until you can’t remember why any of it mattered. It doesn’t help if you’re a soldier. The effect is the same."


"Because everyone wants to be looked for, whether they realize it or not."


"Even when other things come in loud, we have to keep choosing each other. That’s marriage. You can’t only say the words once and think they’ll stick. You have to say them over and over, and then live them with all you’ve got."
