181 Quotes by Paula McLain

"I can't see how I'll make it a year this way," he said."It seems impossible, I know. But when we're old and doddering, this year will seem like a blink."


"It gave me a sharp kind of sadness to think that no matter how much I loved him and tried to put him back together again, he might stay broken forever."


"I preferred to look at the sea, which said nothing and never made you feel alone."


"My life was my life; I would have to stare it down, somehow, and make it work for me."


"It was august. for years it was august … . there was heat like wet gauze and a high, white sky and music coming from everywhere at once."


"Mwanzo inseamna "inceputuri" in swahili. Dar uneori trebuie ca totul mai intai sa se sfarseasca, sa se prabuseasca si toate luminile sa palpaie si sa se stinga inainte sa avem parte de un inceput ca la carte."


"There are some who said I should have fought harder or longer than I did for my marriage, but in the end fighting for love that was already gone felt like trying to live in the ruins of a lost city."


"I had forged her myself, out of brokenness, learning to love wildness instead of fearing it. To thrive on the exhilaration of the hunt, charging headlong into the world even when it hurt to do it."


"They had as good a shot at making it as anyone did, but what if marriage didn't solve anything and didn't save anyone even a little bit? What then?"


"This wasn't the France I knew, which had always been as much about swimming in the sea as about anything else, about languorous holiday sunshine and whole days spent drinking wine and staring up at the clouds. No, this country seemed to be offering something dark and strange and new to me, in an entirely different language. If only I could learn to understand it."
