181 Quotes by Paula McLain
"Sometimes when you're hurting, it helps to throw yourself at something that will take your weight."
"Denys had a way of seeing everything as if he knew it would never be there exactly the same again. He understood how nothing ever holds still for us, or should. The trick is learning to take things as they come and fully, too, with no resistence or fear, not trying to grip them too tightly or make them bend."
"Why is it every other person you meet says they're an artist? A real artist doesn't need to gas on about it, he doesn't have time. He does his work and sweats it out in silence, and no one can help him at all."
"Was my happiness so completely tied to him now that I could only feel like myself when he was near?"
"You are everything good and straight and fine and true—and I see that so clearly now, in the way you’ve carried yourself and listened to your own heart. You’ve changed me more than you know, and will always be a part of everything I am. That’s one thing I’ve learned from this. No one you love is ever truly lost."
"Pe atunci, ziceam că Parisul e minunea minunilor, și așa și era. La urma urmei, noi l-am inventat. Noi l-am creat, cu dorurile noastre, cu țigările și romul St. James; l-am plăsmuit din fum și conversații deștepte, crude, și vai de cei care ar fi spus că nu e al nostru. Împreună am făcut tot, apoi l-am desfăcut iar în bucăți."
"We knew what we had and what it meant, and though so much had happened since for both of us, there was nothing like those years in Paris, after the war. Life was painfully pure and simple and good, and I believed Ernest was his best self then. I got the very best of him. We got the best of each other."
"You have to digest life. You have to chew it up and love it all through."