79 Quotes by Paula Stokes
"Yeah, history is just brimming over with stories of total degenerates evolving into decent humanbeings."
"Jake Darby? Ugh.” Jake Darby is like the villain in a bad teen movie—perfect on the outside, afestering mass of evil on the inside."
"Oh for sure. He’s a Greek god. One of the ones who tricked and tortured people for their ownamusement."
"Enough with the apologies. I can’t just forgive seventeen years of hurt all at once. But you can do better, all right? From today onward, do better. Not just for me. For my mom too."
"People are always clinging to what they want to hear, discarding the evidence that doesn’t fit with their beliefs, giving greater weight to evidence that does."
"Seoul is a city of layers and Jesse peels them back with his penetrating gaze, taking in the glitzy Western bars, the alleys sloping upward into cramped housing developments, the doorways leading to dark hallways that lead to offices and noodle shops the casual observer would never even know existed."