195 Quotes by Paullina Simons
- Author Paullina Simons
What does it mean to be human, to be good, to be moral, to be all three at once? It means that flawed beings often must choose between two flawed options.
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- Author Paullina Simons
Do you remember what you're supposed to do now? Kiss the palm of your hand and press it against your heart.
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- Author Paullina Simons
Where your treasure is, there your hear will be also
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- Author Paullina Simons
En el tapiz de la existencia de Alexander había un único hilo que no podría romperse con la muerte, el dolor, la distancia, el tiempo, la guerra o el comunismo. «No hay nada capaz de romperlo —susurró Tatiana. Y con su aliento, su cuerpo y sus labios, añadió—: Mientras yo esté en el mundo, mientras respire, tú perdurarás, soldado.»
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- Author Paullina Simons
You have amazing gifts. Don't squander them. Don't give them out meaninglessly, don't abuse them, don't take them for granted. You are the weapon you carry with you till the day you die.-Tatiana and Alexander
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- Author Paullina Simons
....and when Tatiana lifted her glistening eyes to him, Alexander was looking down at her with his I’ll-get-on-the-bus-for-you-anytime face.
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- Author Paullina Simons
Tu valor será puesto a prueba, junto con el de todos los demás. Sólo habrá una norma, al de sobrevivir a cualquier precio, y te corresponderá a ti decidir cuál es el precio de la supervivencia. Mantén las cabeza bien alta, y si tienes que caer, cae luchando, consciente de que no has comprometido tu alma de ninguna manera
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- Author Paullina Simons
Non temerai i terrori della notte, né la freccia che vola di giorno, la peste che vaga nelle tenebre, lo sterminio che devasta mezzogiorno. Mille cadranno al tuo fianco, diecimila alla tua destra; ma nulla ti potrà colpire.
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- Author Paullina Simons
Tania.” Her voice was soothing. “There is a second love. And a third love. And if you’re lucky, a fourth and a fifth, too.
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