409 Quotes by Pearl S. Buck
- Author Pearl S. Buck
Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
Race prejudice is not only a shadow over the colored — it is a shadow over all of us, and the shadow is darkest over those who feel it least and allow its evil effects to go on.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
The narrator refers to a character as "an oily scoundrel whose hands were heavy with the money that stuck to them.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
And listening to all the things they would do if they had these things, Wang Lung heard only of how much they would eat and sleep, and of what dainties they would eat that they had never tasted,and how they would gamble in this great tea shop and in that, and what pretty women they would buy for their lust, and above all, how none would ever work again, even as they rich man behind the wall never worked.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
To take each day as a separate page, to be read carefully, savoring all of the details, this is best for me, I think.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
Crowds moved wherever he went, across the bridge to Manhattan, in New York, wherever he went, life flowed and eddied, but he was not part of it.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
Whatever came to him was good. It was life. It was knowledge.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
For he came to perceive that since people were his study, his teachers, the objects through which he could satisfy his persistent wonder about life itself, his own being among others, wherever he lived for the moment, there was his home.
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- Author Pearl S. Buck
He was part of a whole, a people scattered over the earth and yet eternally one and indivisible. Wherever a Jew lived, in whatever safety and isolation, he still belonged to his people.
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