153 Quotes by Pete Sampras

  • Author Pete Sampras
  • Quote

    That’s not what I’m looking forward to, just being home and just kind of not really sure kind of what to do with myself.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
  • Quote

    If Davis Cup was a little bit less or once every two years, I would be more inclined to play. But the way it is now, it is too much tennis for me.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
  • Quote

    I don’t look so much for tips. But when they interview a Nicklaus or a Palmer, I’m all ears. I listen to guys who have done it, been successful for years.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
  • Quote

    There’s always one shot that I can rely on when I’m not hitting the ball that well, is my serve.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
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    In tennis, you can make a couple of mistakes and still win. Not in golf. I played three rounds in that Tahoe event, and I was drained. Mentally, not physically.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
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    Once the US Open is over in the States, mainstream America doesn’t really follow tennis, unless you are a true tennis fan.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
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    I could be a jerk and get a lot more publicity, but that’s not who I am.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
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    The way I hold the club, I’ve got my hand way over, like I’m driving a motorcycle. My Kawasaki grip.

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  • Author Pete Sampras
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    People know me. I'm not going to produce any cartwheels out there. I'm not going to belong on Comedy Central. I'll always be a tennis player, not a celebrity.

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