82 Quotes by Peter Greene

  • Author Peter Greene
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    When there's a drop in crude prices, you tend to see it put into stocks with high multiples.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    Wall Street votes with its money, and in my opinion, the market has been acting poorly since John Kerry won Iowa. If the unemployment picture is indeed improving, then that bodes well for George Bush's reelection campaign, and generally, Wall Street prefers that a Republican is in office.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    You have gains in the more cyclical names versus selling in Citigroup and J.P. Morgan. You also have the Dow getting a lift from some positive short-term movement in the dollar,

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    When the dollar declines, there's less incentive for international investors to hold U.S. companies' assets because they decline in value. It also impacts perception. People want to see a stronger dollar to show America can stand on its own, particularly when there is all this uncertainty about North Korea, Iraq and Bush's new economic team.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    The opinion also on Wall Street is that more rate hikes are likely to follow this. And if that occurs, there's still uncertainty in the overall market and consequently it will be tough to get a big rally off the low, ... The market has certainly become tired. The psychology is that of a bear market. We get strong openings only to close either at the low of the day or near the low of the day. Witness what we saw on Friday. So on balance, yes, that psychology has changed.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    You have a lot of things going on. The Dow Transportation average is putting a real damper on things, and Maytag's warning is hurting retailers, ... Talk of a delay for any potential conflict, let alone 45 days, is not helping stocks as it just increases the uncertainty.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    What's happening today is very telling of where the market is right now. Typically, when there is negative news people tend to make 'flight-to-safety' moves into bonds and gold, but that isn't happening. That tells me that asset classes in the near term are very tired, and that we could see more of a pull back from here over the next few months.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    War news is having a fingernail-biting impact generally. Right now, there's a sense of people not wanting to do much until the troops get to Baghdad, which could happen in the next day or two. But there's also the hope of some sort of diplomatic resolution before this situation becomes a runaway train. I don't think either side wants to see this prolonged.

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  • Author Peter Greene
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    There's some worry that the economic growth won't be as strong as had been hoped and that's taking stocks lower, ... It's the combination of GDP not growing as fast as had been hoped, and the Dow Transports, which is a leading economic indicator, falling as well.

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